It goes like this ; I'll have not much to do on holidays so I hang in front of my computer and I listen to too much music of a certain artist (or just a wad of music), then I get used to the melody, and eventually, I'll get addicted to the music. Then I'll start searching the musician's info and read their biography, then I will tend to end up having a certain crush on that person. It happened a couple of times. Last year, it was both Vampire Weekend and Klaxons (I especially love Simon Taylor-Davis' hair). This year? I've been listening too much Yeah Yeah Yeah's lately, and Karen O is on the cover of Nylon, and Nick Zinner just happens too look so good. So yeah, this year it's Nick Zinner ladies and gentlemen.

By the way, please do follow me on twitter. I need people who would hear my nonsense.
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